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8-Week Spartan Race Training

$299 Purchase required to enroll
Coach James is offering this 8 obstacle course race (OCR) training program to prepare our team for the Spartan Race weekend in Bozeman on June 1-2. Sign up for the course before Jan 30th and receive a FREE race entry! This is a $100 value!

Coach James has completed 7 obstacle course races including the Spartan Beast, Knuckle Buster, and Canine Gladiators with his dog Nanook. Combine that with his extensive endurance achievements of the Bridger Ridge Run, California Death Ride, and the Silver State Marathon, and Coach James is the perfect person to teach you how to unleash your inner Spartan. He is personally leading our Spartan Beast team this year.

Coach James has created this 8-week training program to help prepare you to go the distance. His training programs are designed to develop the strength, speed, endurance, and coordination that is your birthright as a human being. Coach James will integrate mental toughness training, injury prevention, and obstacle-specific training to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared for any challenge.

The cost of the 8-week training program is $299. This is less than $20 per specialized class and includes a FREE race entry if you sign up before Jan 30th.

This 8-week training program starts Wednesday, April 3rd. Classes meet at the gym on Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm and outdoors on Sundays, 4:30 - 6:00 pm

There is a minimum enrollment of 5 and a maximum enrollment of 15 people for this course.

No upcoming schedule