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Plans & Passes


Unlimited + Nutrition $265 every month • Unlimited visits • Unlimited classes plus weekly check-ins with your Nutrition Coach

Unlimited $165 every month • Unlimited visits • Attend unlimited CrossFit and yoga group classes on our month-month membership.

12 Classes per Month $135 every month • 12 visits per Month • 12 classes per month membership. This is a great option for a 3 class per week average attendance.

6 months 8 classes/month $540 • 8 visits per Month for 6 months • A pre-paid plan for 6 months for 8 classes per month membership.

One Year 12/Month $1,375 • 12 visits per Month for 12 months • Pre-paid plan for one year for 12 classes each month

Military Prep $0 every year • Unlimited visits • If you have been accepted into the USMC Enlisted Pool or are a PLC Candidate you are eligible to take our Military Prep course.

Nutrition Rx'd $139 every month • Unlimited visits • Our best and most accountable nutrition program with 406 Barbelle Coach Audy. The plan includes individual goal-setting consultation, customized wellness and nutritional guidance, weekly 30-minute voice or Facetime calls, and text/email support.

Standard 100 Days $329 every month • 16 visits per Month • Our standard 100 Days program will help you be sun-filled by the time summer arrives. It includes 5 personal training sessions, 3 months of nutrition coaching and 3 months of 12 classes.

Basic 100 Days $229 every month • 12 visits per Month • Our basic plan will help you get sun-kissed for summer. You get 5 personal training sessions, one nutrition consultation and 3 months of 12 classes.

Nutrition Scaled $100 every month • Unlimited visits • This plan includes individual goal-setting consultation, customized nutritional support, and weekly email check-ins.


Foundations $250 • 5 visits • Foundations is your introduction to CrossFit. In a small group setting, you will learn CrossFit methodology, safe execution of movements, how to scale and modify movements for your current fitness level. At the completion of Foundations you will be confident and prepared to join our regular CrossFit group classes.

16 Personal Training Sessions $1,000 • 16 visits • Get a 10% discount when you purchase 20 Personal Training Sessions. Group rates available

12 Personal Training Sessions $800 • 12 visits • Save $10 per visit when you purchase a bundle of 8 private training sessions. Group rates available

8 Personal Training Sessions $550 • 8 visits • Personal Training is one-on-one time with you and your Coach. These sessions are programmed especially for your needs and goals. Pre-pay for 8 sessions and enjoy a $10 discount. Grab a friend or 2 or 3 to join you and enjoy an additional 15% discount.

Small Group One Hour Personal Training $70 • 1 visit • Get a friend to join you for Personal Training and enjoy a 15% discount! You do 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 small group sessions. This is a great and fun way to afford Personal Training. Group rates available

16 30-Min Skill Sessions $645 • 16 visits • Pre paid pass for 8 30-min skill sessions Group rates available

12 30-Min Skill Sessions $510 • 12 visits • 30 Min Skill Sessions are great for focused work on your goal and skills. Enjoy a 5% discount when you pre-pay for 12 sessions. Grab a friend and enjoy an additional 15% discount.

8 30-Min Skill Sessions $350 • 8 visits • 30 Min Skill Sessions are great for focused work on your goals and skill development. Pre-pay for 8 sessions and enjoy a $10 discount. Grab a friend or 2 or 3 and enjoy an additional 15% discount.

Small Group 30-Min Skill Session $45 • 1 visit • Grab 1, 2 or 3 of your buddies and book a small group 30-min skill session. Everyone enjoys a 15% discount. This is a fun and affordable way to develop skills and improve your technique. Group rates available

Kids/Teens Class Pass $100 • 8 visits • 8 class punch pass that is good for Wednesday 8:15am teens class June 20-Aug 15. Group rates available

10 CrossFit Class Pack $150 • 10 visits • $150 – averages to $15/class Group rates available

ReOpen Prep Clinic 4 Pack $100 • 4 visits • Prepay for all 4 ReOpen Prep Clinics and save $20!

Pull-up Pass $64 • 8 visits • Pre-pay for all 8 pull-up/muscle-up clinics and save $16.

2019 CrossFit Open $25 • 5 visits • Are you planning to attend our Friday Night Lights events? Terrific! We're happy to offer these 5 classes for a screaming deal of $5/class.

Nutrition Coaching $99 • 4 visits • Weekly check-ins with your Nutrition Coach